
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bored bored bored.

I'm waiting for Ayano to pick me up so we can go and celebrate Josh's birthday.

While doing said waiting, I've been messing around with Wordle (Link: It's nifty.

Live long and prosper. <3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I got pancakes for lunch today, and on the way we went to antique stores. I love antique stores. <3

Awesome, drool-worthy clocks:

A pretty thingy-ma-jig:

A desk I would die for (seriously):



Monday, December 14, 2009

I want a wand- this wand.

Magic Wand - TV Remote [via ThinkGeek]

"You know you have always wanted to be a wizard. But not one of those swish and flick wizards from the movies. You want to be the Dungeons & Dragons wizard - the party's controller. See that word there? CONTROLLER. It means you control the battlefield; you control everything! Sure, you're squishy and sometimes there's collateral damage when you let out a blast, but it's all in a day's work. As a wizard, you have a choice in implements, but everyone knows The Wand is the ultimate when you want to be an elite controller.

Our Wand may not make legions of kobold minions explode into flames, but it will learn up to 13 commands from your existing remote controls and map them to particular magical motions. Flick the wand from side to side to flip the channels, twist the wand to turn up the volume. A beam of light will shoot out the unicorn tail hair and magic will happen! The Wand can learn from any remotes in your house and once you master its 13 movements, you can mastermind a symphony of electronic enjoyment from the comfort of your couch. Then, and only then, are you an epic level controller.

Product Specifications

  • Magic wand television remote for witches, wizards, and the occasional muggle
  • 13 magical functions (the number one would expect in magic!)
  • Learns from your existing remotes
  • With a little practice, you can train yourself to do magic with household electronics
  • Flip the channel with a flick of your wand, twist your wand to turn up the volume
  • Compatible with almost all makes of TV, DVR, or really anything with a remote!
  • Buttons are sooooooooooooooo out, wands are in. Trust us."
You know you actually need this.


(You should ignore this, mkay?)

Hobart Museum.

I went to the museum today. It was quite nice. I've been before, quite a few times actually, but I always love going again and again. It's pretty. <3

I also am pretty sure I have an obsession with clocks. I've always loved them, but it's getting worse. I saw a lovely one in Harvey Norman (?) the other day. I spent at least 15 minutes staring at it, until Shane finally managed to drag me away. I'd own it now, if it hadn't been $4500.

How nice is this globe? I want a nice globe (and a nice chess table, but that has nothing to do with the museum). I want it to be like the Inglorious Basterds globe though, with all the drinks inside.

That movie was awesome.

Well, I had a nice day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Wow, the formatting on the last post really screwed up. =\

I'm on (was on) a boat.

I had a good day today.

I woke up in my cousins house, showered with her giant (and I mean
giant) shower head, and then hopped into the car, and we made our way
towards somewhere.

I don't remember where this somewhere was, but we went to a really,
really, really nice cafe called Eucalypt. It was really nice. Really.

After this we went on one of those oversized rubber adventure boats,
and went to Tasman island.

I saw the worlds cutest seals. They were ridiculously cute. *squee*

Then we got pies, and are heading home. It's almost 3pm, but there's
no phone service at the moment, so I might not post this 'till later.
It doesn't really matter though, 'cause I doubt anyone other than me
will read it. :D

I love Royksopp. <3

Friday, December 11, 2009

Man vs Machine.

Man vs Machine

I want I want I want.

Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld.

I just finished reading Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld last night, and it was one of the best books I've read in a long time.

I actually picked it up at a bookstore a few weeks ago, but put it back down, after reading that it was about WWI. I generally don't enjoy books that are about modern history, prefering to read about the adventures of Aeneas, prince of Dardanos during the Trojan war. If you know me, you know all about Aeneas. ;)

But I was in another book store, and it's beautiful steampunky cover made me stop and have another look at it. It was only $20, I wanted a book and it looked nice. I know people say you should never judge a book by it's cover, but I did anyway, and went ahead and bought it.

To my surprise, I loved it.

"It is the first in a Young adult fiction trilogy set in an alternate history World War I, wherein the Central Powers (Clankers) are characterized by their use of mechanized war machines, while the Entente Powers (Darwinists) are characterized by their use of living creatures evolved specifically for war. The main character is the teenage son of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his love interest a cross-dressing Scottish girl." - Wikipedia

About a chapter in, I stopped to text Shane about the new book I'd bought. My text was something along the lines of "History, science, steampunk and robots- this book is the greatest".

I continued to read. I would've loved to get it all done in a day, but as difficult as it was to put down- I had to. I'm meant to be on holiday, spending time with my grandparents.

I finally finished it last night, and immediately hopped online to find some information on the next book. Unfortunately, as Leviathan was only released in October (?) it'll be quite a wait.


Anyway, I followed Scott Westerfeld on Twitter (@scottwesterfeld) and am planning to buy some more of his other books sometime soon- I saw a box set for only $30.

I decided to blog about it, hopefully filling in some more time before the sequel is released. Because I want it. Now.

100 things about me, if you care.

001. Real name? – Hanna Rose Burrows
002. Nickname(s)?- Hanna
003. Zodiac sign? - Scorpio
004. Male or female? - Female
005. Elementary? - EHSS (Primary)
006. Middle School? - N/A
007. High School? - CSHS
008. Hair color? - Brown/Blonde-ish
009. Long or short? - Just too long to call short. Just.
010. Loud or Quiet? - Usually loud, but quiet with strangers.
011. Sweats or Jeans? - Jeans
012. Phone or Camera? - Phone
013. Health freak? - Haha, no.
014. Drink or Smoke? - No smoking. I drink sometimes, but only a tiny bit, because I'm not a fan of getting ridiculously drunk. I think that's stupid.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? - I have a boyfriend. =| Does that count?
016. Eat or Drink? - Drink
017. Piercings? - Ears
018. Tattoos? - Not yet


019. Been in an airplane? - Yes
020. Been in a car accident? - No
021. Been in a fist fight? - No


022. First piercing? - Ears, when I was probably... about 11?
023. First best friend? - Liam :3
025. First award? - Baby show? Swimming? Egg & Spoon race?
026. First crush? - Sean ^^
028. First big vacation? - Probably to Tasmania, when I was a couple of months old


029. Last person you talked to? - Grandparents
030. Last person you texted? - Shane
031. Last person you watched a movie with? - Shane
032. Last food you ate? - Candy
033. Last movie you watched? - 2012
034. Last song you listened to? - Poor Leno, by Royksopp
035. Last thing you bought? - Cake tin, baking tray, just-add-milk cookies and just-add-milk cake.
036. Last person you hugged? - Shane


037. Food? - Thai curry, at the moment.
038. Drinks? - Mountain Dew/Calpis Soda
039. Clothing? - Black jeans. Black nerdy shirt. Black boots.
040. Book? - Troy: Fall of Kings by David Gemmell. <3
041. Music? - Muse, Coheed and Cambria, Oasis, Turisas, Royksopp, Bach, Rachmanioff...
042. Flower? - *shrugs*
043. Colors? - Black, orange...
044. Movies? - Advent Children, Tarnation, Star Trek... and almost anything that's animated well.
045. Shoes? - Black boots.
046. Subjects? - IT Systems, Film & TV


047. [] kissed in the snow
048. [x] celebrated Halloween
049. [] had your heart broken
050. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [] came out of the closet
053. [] gotten pregnant
054. [] had an abortion
055. [] done something you've regretted
056. [] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] cried over the silliest thing
064. [] ran a mile
065. [] went to the beach with your best friend
066. [] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating? - Candy
068. Drinking? - Nothing
069. I'm about to? - Blog
070. Listening to? - Nothing
071. Plans for today/tomorrow? - Go to my Autie and Uncle's place
072. Waiting for? - March

073. Want kids? - One day
074. Want to get married? - Yeah
075. Careers in mind? - 3D Animator/Game Designer/Nerd

076. Lips or eyes? - Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? - Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous? - Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms? - Not fussed
081. Hookup or relationship? - Relationship
082. Troublemaker or hesitant? – Both?

083. Lost glasses/contacts? - No
084. Ran away from home? - No
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense? - No. A hair straightner, yes.
086. Killed somebody? - Not in RL. ;)
087. Broken someone's heart? - I hope not
088. Been arrested? - No
089. Cried when someone died? - No


090. Yourself? - Yes
091. Miracles? - No
092. Love at first sight? - No
093. Heaven? - No
094. Santa Claus? - No
095. Sex on the first date? - Depends on the situation. Usually, however, no.
096. Kiss on the first date? - Why not?


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? - Yes
099. Do you believe in God? - No
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people. I tag you. Sucker.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shane & I.

Shane & I.

World's cutest photo. <3 Editied the colour with Mill Colour (iPhone
app). It's great.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Freezing to death.

Oh my God. Tasmania is the world's coldest place. EVER. And it's Summer. D:


Went to see 2012 today. It was alright. Not really. It was too long, and the scenes just dragged on and on. The whole thing was made up of those scenes when you're all like "oh my God, he's going to die, he's going to die!" and then he doesn't. But there was a good side to the movie: one of the characters looked like the Chocolate Rain guy. That was way cool. <3

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

boom boom BOOM.

Just made this. I like it. I've got to fix the text, though.


Shane's house is really nice. I'll be there on Sunday, thank god.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Funsies. <3

Oh, blog. That's right.

I knew I'd be too slack to keep Blogging. Ah well, it's all good. :D I'll start again. All it required was for me to not to my maths revision and be bored enough to go to Blogger, and then remember that I have my own blog.


Anyway, not much to say. Shane in 4 days. That's 4. Four. :D

Well, I've been watching educational videos on the game industry recently, and I've been thinking more about girls and games, and why they're not interested. Most people seem to think that's it's because of the female characters in games and their, ahem, "assets".

But then I was reading an article about the hottest female characters, and Tifa came out first.

This made me think. I'm pretty sure that Tifa is loved by females. I mean, I'd say that Final Fantasy VII is a favorite for females. So, then, the statement that females don't like playing games with characters with over-the-top hotness isn't really true.

So then I was confused.

So, being the nerd I am, I thought about it some more. Most people think that females don't like games because of:
  • ridiculous female characters, and
  • the negative gamer stereotype.
I disagree with this. I think females don't play games because they're afraid of being alienated.

I mean, this whole "mob psychology" thing. People want to be accepted. People want to belong to a group.

I think girls don't game, because they're too scared of, kind of, leaving their social group to do new things. I don't think females are comfortable enough to say "hey, no, I'm not going shoe shopping, I have a raid".

My experiences also help to reinforce this belief. I don't know a girl who is against a fun game of Guitar Hero, Wii Tennis, even sometimes Halo, if other people are playing. I mean, if a group of girls are at my house, and if everyone plays, they're not being alienated so it's all okay.

So, for games to be attractive to women they need to be social, so women can get their friends to play to and remain as part of their "group". I think this is why MMOs seem to have a lot more female players than, say, Call of Duty.

Anyway, that was quite a long rant. I have no idea if any of it made sense, but I don't really care.

I'm off to do maths revision. :D

Monday, October 5, 2009


I'm sitting here, while my lock stands in a failed AV, waiting for the tokens. I know it's wrong, but I really don't give a fuck. (:

I'm also listening to the Aion soundtrack. *Aion drool*

I love games.

I don't even know what the point of this post is.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tropical islands.

I hate internet cafes.They're absolutley disgusting. Ugh.

I don't want to think about all the people who have touched this keyboard. This screen resolution might make me cry. The version of Internet Explorer is so cringe worthy. Is tabbed browsing really too much to ask for?

What's more, it hurts being this close to a computer without WOW installed, or even Aion. (Funny side note: I've been offline for two hours, and I come back to find my guild has started playing Aion. Two days ago, they hated the idea of playing it.)

To make matters even worse, I'm on a tropical island. Sure, it's the first time I've been off the tiny little boat I'm living on with my family, but it's sunny. ... I'm still pale as anything, though. White, nerdy skin = WIN. If I can't be a nerd here, I'll damn well look like a nerd.

Ugh. I'll be gaming again on Friday, thank god.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Books, sailing and whatever else pops into my head.

I'm going sailing tomorrow. Should be rather enjoyable, though the lack of internet shall test me. Oh dear.

I woke up today and decided to pack. First thing: books.

That was a really stupid idea. I started off with a pile of 5 books. But then I had no idea how many I'd need. So I decided to sit down and read some books, to see how long they'd take me. I can get through a medium sized novel (350ish pages) in 3ish hours. So I decided I'd need a lot more than 5 books.

At the moment I have...

Books that I haven't read:
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Lord of the Flies
Procession of the Dead
(... wow. Book of the words.)
The Lost Symbol
A Clockwork Orange

Books I have read but want to read again:
Looking for Alaska
Paper Towns
Dark Moon

... I still don't think that's enough. I'll probably end up chucking in the complete works of Shakespeare, 'cause they're sitting right here and look like they want to be read. Wouldn't mind some Homer or Virgil either.

Anyway, I thought about books a shitload. Then decided I should probably pack clothes. It is now 9pm, and I still haven't packed shit.

I might go game. (Y)

Oh my fucking God.

I got a Venomhide Ravasaur hatchling! Way too adorable.


I recently reorganised my sound system. Which involved getting new headphones, 'cause both of my pairs have broken. ): I got a new gaming headset, 'cause I needed the mic badly, and they have blue LEDs. Sadly, I couldn't replace my Sennheisers. Damnit. They're so expensive but so nice. <3

Ah well.

I bought a floppy hat, a couple of dresses and pretty new heels. They're shiny. I also got a skirt. It's shiny as well.

Ah, Nathan Fillion, how I love you.

I played some Halo 3: ODST today with a friend and another friend and a super nerd who is also a friend and someone who does not game at all. Ever. 'Twas fun. We ate smarties and then ran the streets in my Pikachu costume.

Speaking of friends, I hate drunk teenagers. I went to a party for the first time in ages the other day, and I reminded myself why I don't go out much. I can't stand watching my friends drink more than someone ever should, hook up with someone just because they're there and that's what people do. I had a friend walk up to me and start discussing who they were going to sleep with, just because they could. Whatever happened to self-respect?


Oh well. After making sure no one fell in the pool, I left and returned to my guild. I've decided I really don't care how lame that is. If me preferring to hang out with nerds who care about themselves, instead of drunk teenagers making stupid decisions is uncool, then fuck me, I'm as uncool as it gets. (:

Well, that's my rant.

Ooooh, text from Shane.

Okie dokie, that's nice.

Anywho... I don't know.

Live long and prosper. For the Horde!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Some things just make me smile. Like green tea. And dinosaurs. And the cello. And Savory Deviate Delights. And Shane. (:

Thursday, August 27, 2009


... and this, kiddies, is what awesome is made of. (:

Sunday, August 23, 2009



I really, really should be starting my English assignment right now.

It's due in exactly 24 hours.

... wow.

By the time I post this it'll probably be 23 hours and 59 minutes though.

I'd better go do it.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I <3 StumbleUpon.


Hanna says:
i'm totally copying your font
haha, true, true
this is a nice font, though

Emma says:

Hanna says:

Emma says:
It's Calibri
You said you liked it, so I guess it makes sense that you'd steal it

Hanna says:
century gothic will always be my significant ... font... other. But i'm experimenting a bit.

Emma says:
You're two-timing Century Gothic!

Hanna says:
well, kinda, not really
i mean, century gothic's getting a little kinky with comic sans AND wingdings
so it's fair
and we both know
we just wanted to try out other things before our relationship became too serious, too permanent.

Emma says:
Wait until I tell Comic Sans

Hanna says:

Emma says:
Felix Titling is going to have a field day with this

Hanna says:
oh dear. I forgot about Felix... please don't tell!
I'll set you up with Forte if you don't... I know you've had your eye on him.

Emma says:
Yeah, but he's more of a fantasy for me; in reality I don't want such a thick font
It just wouldn't work out

Hanna says:
Hmm, I guess that could be a problem.


I love the way white sugar looks as it falls off my spoon into my cup of tea.

(Image: ... wow, that blue is nice.)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Aha. Click on it for teh lolz.


I'm at school. And it's 8.30. At night. Sigh.

I'm teching for a maths competition, but I'm so bored. There's no one
up here- just me and the sound desk.


Ah well. I like maths, so I'll concentrate on that part. (:


I miss him. ):

This is some brilliant shit.


Ugh, Monday.

I'm just about to go to school. Lamezzzz.
I like school, but not Mondays.
Though I do have a double to FTV to look towards to.
And ITS.

People don't Tweet enough.

I told Boom Boom Satellites that I loved them... and they said they loved me too.

There's not new videos on the YouTubezzzzzz.

Ah well, I guess I'll survive.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jon Schmidt.


Vegetables that look like penises.


I got in. :D
So keen for a giant nerd-fest. xD


I found some beautiful photography. <3

These are done by a 15 year old boy in the US, who has a website with not nearly enough views. Go and take a look here: [Link].

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Procrastination, FTW.

I should probably be doing my mountains of homework right now, but meh.

I just did my FTV assignment, I'll get around to Maths and Chemistry later.

I had a good day today. I went to Euroka, managed to score a Demonoid invite off the greatest teacher in the world (which is a pirate's dream come true, BTW) and then went to the recording studio, and recorded. By mah self. MAD SKILLZZZZ.

I came home, gamed a little, then messed around on my computers.

I got one of my friend's old laptops, which was pretty much made of crap. I formatted the hard drive, did some partitioning, installed Windows 7 and now it is made of awesome.


It's the first Windows OS I've ever used that hasn't made me die a little inside. Which is good. :D

... I got a new mouse. It's green, and nice.

I have orchestra practice tomorrow, which kinda sucks, but I'll probs see Steve the sound techie as he fixes the levels, which'll be nice. (:

... and I can totally game for hours tomorrow night. :D

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Papier Mache.


I'm waiting for people to come over to my house and papier mache some giant stress balls.

... yeah, don't ask.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Level 40.

New robes, bitches.

Hit level 40 last night. Sure, sure, it's not that much of a big deal for most people, but it is for me. (:

I was rather excited- I'm half way there! Then I realised that means I have to level 40 more times. And it just gets harder. By the time I get to 80, 90 will probably exist. GAH.

Oh well. (:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


LogMeIn is an excellent remote desktop... program (?) that I love it. It's on the interwebz, and there's a free version I use.

I just got an email saying that they'd released an iPhone version.

I was very excited. :D

Sadly, it's almost $40, and there's no way I'm going to spend that on an app.

... oh, wait... I am. I can't help it. I'll need to go and get another card, though. Ugh. D:

(Damn LogMeIn for being so excellent.)

In other news, I'm no longer doing my assignment on Tarnation, but on 9. It took a bit of convincing for me to be allowed to review a short film, but I'm very happy.

Yay. :D

Monday, August 3, 2009


Yay, screenshot time! :D

... pirates own ninjas.
(Though they do fish together.)


I'm at school. And I'm way too bored. D:

I'm listening to Coheed and Cambria though, which is nice. <3

(Sent from my phone.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


It's 9am, and I just got home. (:
Had a good night.
I've got orchestra this morning.
Then I'm going shopping.
Just had the world's best bacon sandwich.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I had quite a good day today. :D

It started off with me attending an interview for NYSF, which I was quite nervous about at first, but I had a good time.

Then I totally ate sushi. XD

I went shopping for a bit, and bought the cutest purple dress.
*dress squee*

Then I gamed. For a change.

... and now I'm about to go out. Should be fun.


Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm actually quite hungry. Might go get something to eat in a second.

Watch the trailer for 9 by Shane Acker.
Then search for and watch the short film.
I love it. :D

The music is good too (from the trailer).
It's by Coheed and Cambria.
You should download that. It's nice. (:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I wish I lived here.

The Citadel is the residential part of the "New Water" complex, which tries to embrace Holland's waterworld-ness instead of fighting it. It'll have a floating road to the mainland as well as plenty of boat docks for its 60 units. Apparently it'll also be 25% more energy-efficient than an equivalent complex on land by using the surrounding water for cooling. It looks kind of crazy, but the sort of crazy that could actually work.


(Fuck, I can't get this font to match the font of all my other posts. Ah well, deal with it.)

The Basics.

... are totally coming to my place of living on the 8th of August.
*Gotye squee*
I'm way too keen.
It's the school's fashion parade though, and I may be required to do lighting. D:
Ah well. I'll find away around it.

"I think we're heading in the same direction
when you go bit insane.
I try to reason it’s too easy to give up on it,
but I don’t wanna play this blame game again.

We cover over all the things that bring us closer
and before you know it it's goodbye.
So now you’ve said your piece,
and I try to find a way to organize my mind,
stay on course, straight and true.
And you - you think we’re heading in the right direction
but I don’t know if I do too.

Cos I try to send a message
but you don’t wanna hear it,
you're so obsessed with all the things they said and how they see us.
I try to draw the anchor but you just cast another down...
Don’t wanna go down with this ship.

Don’t wanna go down (with this ship)
No I don’t wanna go down (with this ship)
I don’t wanna go down (with this ship)
No I don’t wanna go down (with this ship)

Cos I try to send a message but you don’t wanna hear it,
you're so obsessed with all the things they said and how they see us.
I try to draw the anchor but you just cast another
and I don’t wanna go down with this ship.

I fly this flag forever but you don’t wanna see it -
the way it was it’s how it is for you and you can’t leave it.
We're only treading water, but slowly sinking deeper,
and I don't wanna go down with this ship.

I don't wanna go down with this ship.
I don't wanna go down with this ship."

Communication, part 2.

The lady was nice. I liked her. (:
Thought I'd share.
I'm about to go and game now. :D
(Do me a favour and click on the "Next Blog" link at the top of the page. Read someone else's thoughts- it's really interesting. I love people. But hate people. Gah, I can has logic?)


I'm waiting for a lady to come to my house and teach me to communicate. And I'm so sick of my parent.

She's seriously fucked up.
All she can talk about is the same stupid science workshop.
And she cares too much about what people think.

She's in the other room yelling at me, telling me to put on some make up and straighten my hair.
For the lady.
Who's coming to my house.
It's in my damn house.

She keeps going on and on about first impressions.
I get that they're important.
But she doesn't seem to get past the fact that it's not the end of the world if someone thinks I'm a slob when they first meet me.
Because, crazily enough, I believe in actually working for respect. Not just getting it because I'm neatly groomed.

If I work for respect, the people who'll end up respecting me will be the one's that didn't just pay attention to the first impression- they'll be the people who looked past what I looked like to see who I am. And those are the people I care about.

People care too much about looks.
The world is fucked up.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gnome squee.

I just took my 'lock along with some 80 friends (one's a RL friend) to Goldshire, to the inn, in order to get virtually drunk... O.o

On the way a bunch of Alli 80's were being silly and hurting us (*tear*), so me and the other non-80's hid out. While we were hiding, I came across the cutest gnome mage EVAH. We danced and told jokes, and made fun of my friends who were being mean and slapping him and what-not. He was ADORABLE!

*gnome squee*

Then we had a lovely group hug with a human warlock. :D

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday music.

I love Josh Pyke. <3
Seeing him live was my 3rd favourite concert. :D
(I've decided Cat Empire were 1st, Hilltop Hoods 2nd.)
Hilltop Hoods are coming back. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ayano's house.

Everyone sucks at Wii. Epic fail.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Dethklok = EPIC WIN.


It is raining. (:

Mi Goreng.

I'm eating Mi Goreng, and wondering if it's been raining. I woke up and it seemed like it had been, but who knows? I hope so, though. I like rain. (:

I can get up to 10g for one Strong Troll's Blood Elixir, because they're used for a quest. I can buy mats for about 10 of them with that. Profit! :D

Go to YouTube and search for charlieissocoollike. He is the shiz.

I wonder if anyone will ever read this...?

Friday, July 24, 2009


Ah, Friday, we meet again.


I'm not going to school until lunch time-ish, because I still feel like crap and really don't want to go to maths or chemistry- so I'm only going for IT Systems, English and Film and TV.


*writes "BOM" on arm to remind self to hand in BOM assigmnet*


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New hat and Goldshire.

I had a rather fun time gaming today. Got a nice new hat. :D Now my 'lock looks like the biggest 'tard every when she's on the most ridiculous looking mount of them all: the Hawkstrider.

It's awesome.

Oh, and my staff glows. Epicly insanley super, much? XD

I just finished following a few 80 friends of mine as they owned everyone in and around Goldshire. Was fun. Being level 36, I died quite a bit (believe it or not). :P

Ahh, WoW. How I love you so. <3

No life.

From TWNetwork

"your little friend is a fake he steals videos and pretends to play to them

his cliffs of dover video is stolen and pretends to play it and he cant even fake it norma because he holds notes on parts wheere its impossible

khronmaster said this

"You should explain why you stole a Cliffs Of Dover GH3 video with nearly three million views and pretended to play along to it by adding a hands video and your intro. Not to mention you dedicated it to a friend. Gee, I'd be quite disappointed if my friend stole something and dedicated it to me.

you can't hold orange in Solo B buddy. It's impossible. You have to tap it. Not to mention you're using an explorer guitar controller and not tilting to activate star could of just pressed select, but the select button is too far away and small from reach on the explorer controller to press to activate star power.

and it's too late to cover it up, I've already saved the video.

For those of you not knowing what I am talking about:
^^That video is just this one:
Except he added his hands view and his intro to it.

Kiki posted this video a month ago. The video with 2.9 million views was posted before Guitar Hero 3 was even released.

If you're gonna cheat in GH, how should be know you're not cheating in TTR?""

My reply

"I've just finished playing World of Warcraft for 6 hours. And I thought I had no life.

Come on dude: who cares? IT'S A VIDEO.
So what if it's fake?
Kiki's video has 119 views. Seriously, who gives a fuck?

I can't believe I'm the one saying this (and not the one being told), but you need a life. Sending messages to all of his friends because his video is "fake"? Lame, and a giant waste of time.

I'm going to go and organise my Magic the Gathering cards now, feeling good while knowing that there is someone lamer than me out there. (:

Live long and prosper. :D"

It's good to know that there's someone lamer than me on the interwebs.


I'm going back to school after my 6 day weekend. ):

I technically had (and went to) school on Thursday, but it doesn't really count, because my Thursday is just Photoshopping for the school magazine and helping out the tech crew with lighting and sound. I don't have to wear uniform, and I can leave whenever I want, so it's just me doing stuff I would be doing at home. So I call Thursday a day off school. (:

Friday was the show holiday. I gamed.

Saturday and Sunday were the weekend. I gamed.

Monday, I was sick. I blogged.

Tuesday, I was sick. I gamed.

Wednesday, is today. I am not sick, and therefore, will not be blogging or gaming. Ugh. School!!!!!!



Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm reading the WoW forums, and I can feel myself getting dumber and dumber.
But I can't stop!
This is horrible.


How brilliant is this advertising? XD
Websites spelt out with corpses. Excellence.

(These were both in Org, different days, on the Frostmourne server)


I desperatley need some Robes of Arcana for one of my 'lock quests, but every time I ask on /2 I kinda feel like I'm spamming. I don't know any tailors on this toon (amazing, I know.) and they're going for, like, 85g on the AH (which is ridiculous, considering they're pretty much useless for anyone above level 30). GAH.

Anyway, I'll go continue my "spamming".

/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.
/2 WTB [Robes of Arcana] pst me to neg. price or 15g COD.


Monday, July 20, 2009


It feels like my eyelids are on fire.

Pants man!


I've been waiting for the Instance for an hour now. This is ridiculous. I am bored. ... and Scott keeps playing weird music, which scares me!

Ah well.
Go listen to Buxley- he is teh awesome.


I'm just sitting around and waiting for The Instance live stream to start... it's taking wayyyyy too long. D:

I just finished organising my collection of miniature dinosaurs. Sometimes I wish I could be a little less hardcore- I try, but it's so hard. (:

... that's what she said.


Best boat name EVAH. xD

Yes, that does say "Otto Assman".

Epic fail.

Gah, losers. :P

I found this in Target.. The product is a gaming chair. Kind of
hopeless, I mean, who spells Nintendo wrong?

Good morning, interwebs.

I thought I'd try Blogger again. I always make blogs, then leave them after a day or two. Hopefully this one will be different (though I doubt it). (:

Ah well, we'll see.