
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh, blog. That's right.

I knew I'd be too slack to keep Blogging. Ah well, it's all good. :D I'll start again. All it required was for me to not to my maths revision and be bored enough to go to Blogger, and then remember that I have my own blog.


Anyway, not much to say. Shane in 4 days. That's 4. Four. :D

Well, I've been watching educational videos on the game industry recently, and I've been thinking more about girls and games, and why they're not interested. Most people seem to think that's it's because of the female characters in games and their, ahem, "assets".

But then I was reading an article about the hottest female characters, and Tifa came out first.

This made me think. I'm pretty sure that Tifa is loved by females. I mean, I'd say that Final Fantasy VII is a favorite for females. So, then, the statement that females don't like playing games with characters with over-the-top hotness isn't really true.

So then I was confused.

So, being the nerd I am, I thought about it some more. Most people think that females don't like games because of:
  • ridiculous female characters, and
  • the negative gamer stereotype.
I disagree with this. I think females don't play games because they're afraid of being alienated.

I mean, this whole "mob psychology" thing. People want to be accepted. People want to belong to a group.

I think girls don't game, because they're too scared of, kind of, leaving their social group to do new things. I don't think females are comfortable enough to say "hey, no, I'm not going shoe shopping, I have a raid".

My experiences also help to reinforce this belief. I don't know a girl who is against a fun game of Guitar Hero, Wii Tennis, even sometimes Halo, if other people are playing. I mean, if a group of girls are at my house, and if everyone plays, they're not being alienated so it's all okay.

So, for games to be attractive to women they need to be social, so women can get their friends to play to and remain as part of their "group". I think this is why MMOs seem to have a lot more female players than, say, Call of Duty.

Anyway, that was quite a long rant. I have no idea if any of it made sense, but I don't really care.

I'm off to do maths revision. :D

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