
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bored bored bored.

I'm waiting for Ayano to pick me up so we can go and celebrate Josh's birthday.

While doing said waiting, I've been messing around with Wordle (Link: It's nifty.

Live long and prosper. <3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I got pancakes for lunch today, and on the way we went to antique stores. I love antique stores. <3

Awesome, drool-worthy clocks:

A pretty thingy-ma-jig:

A desk I would die for (seriously):



Monday, December 14, 2009

I want a wand- this wand.

Magic Wand - TV Remote [via ThinkGeek]

"You know you have always wanted to be a wizard. But not one of those swish and flick wizards from the movies. You want to be the Dungeons & Dragons wizard - the party's controller. See that word there? CONTROLLER. It means you control the battlefield; you control everything! Sure, you're squishy and sometimes there's collateral damage when you let out a blast, but it's all in a day's work. As a wizard, you have a choice in implements, but everyone knows The Wand is the ultimate when you want to be an elite controller.

Our Wand may not make legions of kobold minions explode into flames, but it will learn up to 13 commands from your existing remote controls and map them to particular magical motions. Flick the wand from side to side to flip the channels, twist the wand to turn up the volume. A beam of light will shoot out the unicorn tail hair and magic will happen! The Wand can learn from any remotes in your house and once you master its 13 movements, you can mastermind a symphony of electronic enjoyment from the comfort of your couch. Then, and only then, are you an epic level controller.

Product Specifications

  • Magic wand television remote for witches, wizards, and the occasional muggle
  • 13 magical functions (the number one would expect in magic!)
  • Learns from your existing remotes
  • With a little practice, you can train yourself to do magic with household electronics
  • Flip the channel with a flick of your wand, twist your wand to turn up the volume
  • Compatible with almost all makes of TV, DVR, or really anything with a remote!
  • Buttons are sooooooooooooooo out, wands are in. Trust us."
You know you actually need this.


(You should ignore this, mkay?)

Hobart Museum.

I went to the museum today. It was quite nice. I've been before, quite a few times actually, but I always love going again and again. It's pretty. <3

I also am pretty sure I have an obsession with clocks. I've always loved them, but it's getting worse. I saw a lovely one in Harvey Norman (?) the other day. I spent at least 15 minutes staring at it, until Shane finally managed to drag me away. I'd own it now, if it hadn't been $4500.

How nice is this globe? I want a nice globe (and a nice chess table, but that has nothing to do with the museum). I want it to be like the Inglorious Basterds globe though, with all the drinks inside.

That movie was awesome.

Well, I had a nice day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Wow, the formatting on the last post really screwed up. =\

I'm on (was on) a boat.

I had a good day today.

I woke up in my cousins house, showered with her giant (and I mean
giant) shower head, and then hopped into the car, and we made our way
towards somewhere.

I don't remember where this somewhere was, but we went to a really,
really, really nice cafe called Eucalypt. It was really nice. Really.

After this we went on one of those oversized rubber adventure boats,
and went to Tasman island.

I saw the worlds cutest seals. They were ridiculously cute. *squee*

Then we got pies, and are heading home. It's almost 3pm, but there's
no phone service at the moment, so I might not post this 'till later.
It doesn't really matter though, 'cause I doubt anyone other than me
will read it. :D

I love Royksopp. <3

Friday, December 11, 2009

Man vs Machine.

Man vs Machine

I want I want I want.

Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld.

I just finished reading Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld last night, and it was one of the best books I've read in a long time.

I actually picked it up at a bookstore a few weeks ago, but put it back down, after reading that it was about WWI. I generally don't enjoy books that are about modern history, prefering to read about the adventures of Aeneas, prince of Dardanos during the Trojan war. If you know me, you know all about Aeneas. ;)

But I was in another book store, and it's beautiful steampunky cover made me stop and have another look at it. It was only $20, I wanted a book and it looked nice. I know people say you should never judge a book by it's cover, but I did anyway, and went ahead and bought it.

To my surprise, I loved it.

"It is the first in a Young adult fiction trilogy set in an alternate history World War I, wherein the Central Powers (Clankers) are characterized by their use of mechanized war machines, while the Entente Powers (Darwinists) are characterized by their use of living creatures evolved specifically for war. The main character is the teenage son of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his love interest a cross-dressing Scottish girl." - Wikipedia

About a chapter in, I stopped to text Shane about the new book I'd bought. My text was something along the lines of "History, science, steampunk and robots- this book is the greatest".

I continued to read. I would've loved to get it all done in a day, but as difficult as it was to put down- I had to. I'm meant to be on holiday, spending time with my grandparents.

I finally finished it last night, and immediately hopped online to find some information on the next book. Unfortunately, as Leviathan was only released in October (?) it'll be quite a wait.


Anyway, I followed Scott Westerfeld on Twitter (@scottwesterfeld) and am planning to buy some more of his other books sometime soon- I saw a box set for only $30.

I decided to blog about it, hopefully filling in some more time before the sequel is released. Because I want it. Now.

100 things about me, if you care.

001. Real name? – Hanna Rose Burrows
002. Nickname(s)?- Hanna
003. Zodiac sign? - Scorpio
004. Male or female? - Female
005. Elementary? - EHSS (Primary)
006. Middle School? - N/A
007. High School? - CSHS
008. Hair color? - Brown/Blonde-ish
009. Long or short? - Just too long to call short. Just.
010. Loud or Quiet? - Usually loud, but quiet with strangers.
011. Sweats or Jeans? - Jeans
012. Phone or Camera? - Phone
013. Health freak? - Haha, no.
014. Drink or Smoke? - No smoking. I drink sometimes, but only a tiny bit, because I'm not a fan of getting ridiculously drunk. I think that's stupid.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? - I have a boyfriend. =| Does that count?
016. Eat or Drink? - Drink
017. Piercings? - Ears
018. Tattoos? - Not yet


019. Been in an airplane? - Yes
020. Been in a car accident? - No
021. Been in a fist fight? - No


022. First piercing? - Ears, when I was probably... about 11?
023. First best friend? - Liam :3
025. First award? - Baby show? Swimming? Egg & Spoon race?
026. First crush? - Sean ^^
028. First big vacation? - Probably to Tasmania, when I was a couple of months old


029. Last person you talked to? - Grandparents
030. Last person you texted? - Shane
031. Last person you watched a movie with? - Shane
032. Last food you ate? - Candy
033. Last movie you watched? - 2012
034. Last song you listened to? - Poor Leno, by Royksopp
035. Last thing you bought? - Cake tin, baking tray, just-add-milk cookies and just-add-milk cake.
036. Last person you hugged? - Shane


037. Food? - Thai curry, at the moment.
038. Drinks? - Mountain Dew/Calpis Soda
039. Clothing? - Black jeans. Black nerdy shirt. Black boots.
040. Book? - Troy: Fall of Kings by David Gemmell. <3
041. Music? - Muse, Coheed and Cambria, Oasis, Turisas, Royksopp, Bach, Rachmanioff...
042. Flower? - *shrugs*
043. Colors? - Black, orange...
044. Movies? - Advent Children, Tarnation, Star Trek... and almost anything that's animated well.
045. Shoes? - Black boots.
046. Subjects? - IT Systems, Film & TV


047. [] kissed in the snow
048. [x] celebrated Halloween
049. [] had your heart broken
050. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [] came out of the closet
053. [] gotten pregnant
054. [] had an abortion
055. [] done something you've regretted
056. [] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] cried over the silliest thing
064. [] ran a mile
065. [] went to the beach with your best friend
066. [] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating? - Candy
068. Drinking? - Nothing
069. I'm about to? - Blog
070. Listening to? - Nothing
071. Plans for today/tomorrow? - Go to my Autie and Uncle's place
072. Waiting for? - March

073. Want kids? - One day
074. Want to get married? - Yeah
075. Careers in mind? - 3D Animator/Game Designer/Nerd

076. Lips or eyes? - Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? - Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous? - Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms? - Not fussed
081. Hookup or relationship? - Relationship
082. Troublemaker or hesitant? – Both?

083. Lost glasses/contacts? - No
084. Ran away from home? - No
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense? - No. A hair straightner, yes.
086. Killed somebody? - Not in RL. ;)
087. Broken someone's heart? - I hope not
088. Been arrested? - No
089. Cried when someone died? - No


090. Yourself? - Yes
091. Miracles? - No
092. Love at first sight? - No
093. Heaven? - No
094. Santa Claus? - No
095. Sex on the first date? - Depends on the situation. Usually, however, no.
096. Kiss on the first date? - Why not?


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? - Yes
099. Do you believe in God? - No
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people. I tag you. Sucker.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shane & I.

Shane & I.

World's cutest photo. <3 Editied the colour with Mill Colour (iPhone
app). It's great.