
Thursday, August 27, 2009


... and this, kiddies, is what awesome is made of. (:

Sunday, August 23, 2009



I really, really should be starting my English assignment right now.

It's due in exactly 24 hours.

... wow.

By the time I post this it'll probably be 23 hours and 59 minutes though.

I'd better go do it.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I <3 StumbleUpon.


Hanna says:
i'm totally copying your font
haha, true, true
this is a nice font, though

Emma says:

Hanna says:

Emma says:
It's Calibri
You said you liked it, so I guess it makes sense that you'd steal it

Hanna says:
century gothic will always be my significant ... font... other. But i'm experimenting a bit.

Emma says:
You're two-timing Century Gothic!

Hanna says:
well, kinda, not really
i mean, century gothic's getting a little kinky with comic sans AND wingdings
so it's fair
and we both know
we just wanted to try out other things before our relationship became too serious, too permanent.

Emma says:
Wait until I tell Comic Sans

Hanna says:

Emma says:
Felix Titling is going to have a field day with this

Hanna says:
oh dear. I forgot about Felix... please don't tell!
I'll set you up with Forte if you don't... I know you've had your eye on him.

Emma says:
Yeah, but he's more of a fantasy for me; in reality I don't want such a thick font
It just wouldn't work out

Hanna says:
Hmm, I guess that could be a problem.


I love the way white sugar looks as it falls off my spoon into my cup of tea.

(Image: ... wow, that blue is nice.)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Aha. Click on it for teh lolz.


I'm at school. And it's 8.30. At night. Sigh.

I'm teching for a maths competition, but I'm so bored. There's no one
up here- just me and the sound desk.


Ah well. I like maths, so I'll concentrate on that part. (:


I miss him. ):

This is some brilliant shit.


Ugh, Monday.

I'm just about to go to school. Lamezzzz.
I like school, but not Mondays.
Though I do have a double to FTV to look towards to.
And ITS.

People don't Tweet enough.

I told Boom Boom Satellites that I loved them... and they said they loved me too.

There's not new videos on the YouTubezzzzzz.

Ah well, I guess I'll survive.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jon Schmidt.


Vegetables that look like penises.


I got in. :D
So keen for a giant nerd-fest. xD


I found some beautiful photography. <3

These are done by a 15 year old boy in the US, who has a website with not nearly enough views. Go and take a look here: [Link].

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Procrastination, FTW.

I should probably be doing my mountains of homework right now, but meh.

I just did my FTV assignment, I'll get around to Maths and Chemistry later.

I had a good day today. I went to Euroka, managed to score a Demonoid invite off the greatest teacher in the world (which is a pirate's dream come true, BTW) and then went to the recording studio, and recorded. By mah self. MAD SKILLZZZZ.

I came home, gamed a little, then messed around on my computers.

I got one of my friend's old laptops, which was pretty much made of crap. I formatted the hard drive, did some partitioning, installed Windows 7 and now it is made of awesome.


It's the first Windows OS I've ever used that hasn't made me die a little inside. Which is good. :D

... I got a new mouse. It's green, and nice.

I have orchestra practice tomorrow, which kinda sucks, but I'll probs see Steve the sound techie as he fixes the levels, which'll be nice. (:

... and I can totally game for hours tomorrow night. :D

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Papier Mache.


I'm waiting for people to come over to my house and papier mache some giant stress balls.

... yeah, don't ask.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Level 40.

New robes, bitches.

Hit level 40 last night. Sure, sure, it's not that much of a big deal for most people, but it is for me. (:

I was rather excited- I'm half way there! Then I realised that means I have to level 40 more times. And it just gets harder. By the time I get to 80, 90 will probably exist. GAH.

Oh well. (:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


LogMeIn is an excellent remote desktop... program (?) that I love it. It's on the interwebz, and there's a free version I use.

I just got an email saying that they'd released an iPhone version.

I was very excited. :D

Sadly, it's almost $40, and there's no way I'm going to spend that on an app.

... oh, wait... I am. I can't help it. I'll need to go and get another card, though. Ugh. D:

(Damn LogMeIn for being so excellent.)

In other news, I'm no longer doing my assignment on Tarnation, but on 9. It took a bit of convincing for me to be allowed to review a short film, but I'm very happy.

Yay. :D

Monday, August 3, 2009


Yay, screenshot time! :D

... pirates own ninjas.
(Though they do fish together.)


I'm at school. And I'm way too bored. D:

I'm listening to Coheed and Cambria though, which is nice. <3

(Sent from my phone.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


It's 9am, and I just got home. (:
Had a good night.
I've got orchestra this morning.
Then I'm going shopping.
Just had the world's best bacon sandwich.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I had quite a good day today. :D

It started off with me attending an interview for NYSF, which I was quite nervous about at first, but I had a good time.

Then I totally ate sushi. XD

I went shopping for a bit, and bought the cutest purple dress.
*dress squee*

Then I gamed. For a change.

... and now I'm about to go out. Should be fun.
