
Sunday, March 28, 2010


I just quit my guild. I feel pathetic.

I always thought I was going to stay in there forever. I'd been with them for about a year, and... they were all just great people.

But it got to the stage where I was getting bored with WoW, because I wasn't progressing.

I did some ICC10 with a guild, and it was excellent. They were organised, friendly, and good.

So I joined their guild.

I feel really guilty, and really bad. I miss everyone.

I... just... hope it was the right decision.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's that time again. Work, study, coffee, life.

Lack of internets and gaming.

I'm taking a break off study to Blog. I know I shouldn't, but I'm past caring.

I had my Maths B exam today. I was actually pretty happy with it. Happier than I usually am with Maths B exams.

I have Physics, IT and English tomorrow. Currently studying for IT.

Oh, by the way:



Sunday, March 21, 2010

NYSF Melbourne.

I just got back from the NYSF Melbourne session. It was great; not only because of getting to do awesome science and checking out the unis, but seeing everyone again was so great. :D

We got to check out CSL, University of Melbourne, Monash and RMIT.

At CSL we learnt about how they killed thousands of chicken embryos daily to develop vaccines. Actually pretty cool. :D

At the University of Melbourne we got a couple of presentations, and I talked to a guy about Eve online. Fun stuff.

Monash was great; I did an electrical engineering workshop and we got to do some stuff from their first year course, so that was fun. I totally soldered, yo.

Finally, RMIT. I really enjoyed it there; it was interesting, small and right in the city. There's a course there that I'm really interested in too... so, yeah. That was nifty. :D

... and then I got back to Cairns.

The weather, the vibe, and the people (most of them, anyway), just make me need to get out of here. Srsly.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My server is down. I'm bored, yo. And tired. And grumpy.

I hate complainers. To be honest, this is completely true; I should be a little more specific. I hate people who complain about problems that everyone else has as well. EXAMPLE. I have a friend at school. She's a lovely person, but all she seems to do is complain about the workload. We're all busy. We all have the same work, if not more. I do 4 extra subjects. But I don't complain. Because, honestly, if I didn't like it all, I'd drop something. I just wish that this friend would shut up, stop complaining about stuff that everyone else is doing too, and do something about it if she wants to.

I hate people who conform to unconformity. Some people are so desperate to be indie; I know people who will only listen to music that hardly anyone has heard of, who will only like unheard of overseas film and only read books written in French. To be honest, I think this is ridiculous. Now, don't get me wrong; if you like these things, go ahead and do it. But the people I know, most of them are "liking" these things for the image it gives them. They're too scared to listen to popular music because then they'll be conforming.

I love Owl City. I love Harry Potter. And if that makes me just like everyone else, I couldn't care less.

People need to start liking things because they actually like them, not because of the image it gives them. People need to stop being so resistant to conformity; it's not always a bad thing.

I hate people who judge without knowing. I was having a conversation with a guildie earlier, and he just kept judging things that he didn't know anything about. EXAMPLES. He believes:
  • All Vloggers are faggots, because he's only seen Chris Crocker and thinks he is a faggot.
  • Twilight is shit, even thought he hasn't read the books/seen the film.
This just makes me really angry. I refuse to comment on something if I don't know anything about it. Srsly. All it means is that your opinion is valid, and you don't end up looking like a tool when someone finds out you don't actually know anything about the topic.

I think that's the end.

I don't know if any of this made sense. I don't really care. It's 2:30am, and I'm dying. Sleep nao, kthxbai.